Mortgaged Real Estate Sales Indicators in 2017
In 2017, the National Bureau of Enforcement sold 1,695 pieces of real estate, among these 1,258 constituted residential areas;
Among the indicators for the sales of mortgaged real estate, the largest shares of creditors were represented by natural persons (649 cases) and commercial banks (625 cases).
Patients Funded for Overseas Treatment in 2015-2017
In 2015-2017, a total of 1,191 patients were provided funding for overseas treatment from the state budget, with 14.4 million GEL spent;
In 2015-2017, the largest share of patients (35%) funded for overseas treatment were seeking treatment for oncological problems;
In 2015-2017, on average the largest amount of funds (18 867,5 GEL) was allocated to treatment of patients of liver and kidney pathology (transplants), while the smallest amount of funds was spent on the treatment of ophthalmology.
Statistical Data on Interpol Searches and Extradition: 2015-2017
On November 2nd, 2017 and April 24th, 2018 IDFI sent FOI letters to the Prosecutor’s Office of Georgia regarding statistical information on the requests sent to the Interpol by the Prosecutor’s Office with the aim of initiating Red Notice searches and requests sent to foreign law enforcement agencies regarding the extradition of wanted persons. The Prosecutor’s Office provided the requested information on November 21st, 2017.
Search by Interpol
State addresses the International Criminal Police Organization – the Interpol with requests for the initiation of international searches of persons who have been found guilty or stand accused of criminal activity based on a decision of a national court. If the request is granted, the Interpol publishes a notice regarding the initiation of international Red Notice search. The purpose of the Red Notice search is to locate the person that is under search, temporary arrest him/her in the host state with a subsequent transfer to the state that made the initial request.
During 2010-2017 the Prosecutor’s Office of Georgia addressed the Interpol with 163 requests to initiate Red Notice searches. The number of requests has declined noticeably during last years. During 2010-2013 110 requests were sent to the Interpol, during 2014 - 2017 (November) – 53 requests.
The Interpol granted all requests sent by the Prosecutor’s Office during 2017, a request sent in 2016 is still under deliberation and two requests sent in 2015 were denied.
Extradition –State addresses a foreign law enforcement agency with the request to transfer a person who has been found guilty through a court decision or stand accused of crimes. If the request is granted, the guilty/accused person is transferred to the state submitting the request.
During 2010-2017, the Prosecutor’s Office of Georgia sent 295 requests of extradition to foreign law enforcement agencies. During recent years the number of the requests has significantly declined compared to the data of 2010-2011.
As of to-date 19% of the requests for extradition submitted during 2017 have been satisfied, in 2016 the abovementioned equaled to 30.3%, while in 2015 to - 46.9%. The declining percentile share of granted requests during recent years can be explained by the high percentile share of requests that are still under deliberation.
Data Source: Prosecutor's Office of Georgia
Expenditures of the Contingency Fund of the Government of Georgia: 2013-2017
IDFI's study on expenditures of the contingency fund of the Government of Georgia revealed the following tendencies:
From 2013 to 2017, a total of more than 595 million GEL was spent from the contingency fund of GoG. In this period, the most funds were spent in 2016 – more than 172 million GEL;
The size of the contingency fund increased by a minimum of 80% on an annual basis when compared to the planned budget;
A substantial portion of the contingency fund was spent on organizing, what can be labelled as events of general state significance rather than on emergency or unforeseen situations, as well as the unimpeded functioning of budgetary institutions or on covering separate instances of ongoing expenses;
The most funds were allocated for covering unforeseen expenses – more than 155 million GEL (26,17% of the allocated funds). However, this category is closely followed by funds spent on various events and activities – more than 150 million GEL (25,2% of the allocated funds);
A number of state institutions requested funds from the contingency fund of GoG every year, which indicates possible problems with budget planning. The Ministry of Sport and Youth Affairs of Georgia is perhaps the most visible example of this, as the Ministry was allocated a sum of more than 100 million GEL in the period from 2013 to 2017, as well as the Ministry of Economy and Sustainable Development of Georgia – more than 40 million GEL;
Over the years, resources from the contingency fund were allocated to cover a variety of expenses that are annual in nature and can be included in budgets of the state institutions.
Illegal Fishing
In the period of 2010-2017, 4,688 instances of violations of fishing regulations were discovered, among these 18% had signs of criminal offences.
Cases of Deportation of Georgian Citizens
In 2015-2017, 11 428 cases of deporting Georgian citizens were reported;
The cases of deportation of Georgian citizens are most common in Turkey, Germany, Israel and Russia.
Data source: Ministry of Internal Affairs
Birth Rates in Georgia
In the last 10 years, 2017 marked the lowest birth rate indicator;
Deterioration of the birth rate is due to a sharp decline in the births of first and second children;
The state programmes put into motion after 2014 have failed to properly address the demographic challenges facing the country;
Starting with 2019, a plan to subsidize electrical energy for families with multiple children is to be implemented – monthly, 20 GEL for families with 4 children, as well as an additional 10 GEL per subsequent child;
More than 12,000 families will use this assistance, for which about 3,5 million GEL will be spent.
Data Source: Social Service Agency
National Statistics Office of Georgia
Illegal Hunting
In the period of 2010-2017, 3,491 instances of violations of hunting regulations were discovered, among these 45 had signs of criminal offences.
Results of the Hepatitis C State Program
In the “State Program for Control over Hepatitis C” from ეnactment up to October 2017, up to 43,000 persons registered, up to 42,000 patients engaged, more than 36,000 patients completed.
Cases of persons using free screenings were increasing twofold annually
By October 2017, up to 990 thousand cases of persons using free screenings have been reported;
The number of questionable positive results from the screenings were decreasing annually